Category Archives: Software Engineering
User Stories & Three Amigos
Ran across this story about the Three Amigos Strategy of Developing User Stories that looks interesting. I’m definitely feeling the squishy requirements problem lately, though I’m not sure the Quality staffing levels I have at the moment will let me … Continue reading
KPIs for a QA/QE team
It came to me in the middle of the brainstorming session. My boss asked for some help devising some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for our team of Quality Engineers for the next year. We needed to define some metrics to … Continue reading
Performance Tests vs. Pass/Fail
The source of many challenges my team faced while implementing, automating, and reporting performance test results was based on the differences between performance tests vs. the type of tests the rest of the organization was used to: the standard “Pass/Fail” … Continue reading
Mixing LeanUX and Agile Development
One of the other BAALN members did a blogpost about the Mixing Lean UX and Agile Development talk by @chemphill :
Another, more different, type of technical debt
It dawned on me this morning that I have lately been hitting a lot of technical debt, but of a different sort than I’m used to encountering. Technical debt is a metaphor that Ward Cunningham came up with to compare … Continue reading